product design, business design, strategy
My graduate program required us to create a venture [concept] with a viable business plan, conduct testing, and [at minimum a plan to] launch an MVP.
In April 2016, I pitched MXD. The idea started as a platform for gymnastics coaches but ultimately evolved into a crowdsourced fitness platform, catering to both fitness instructors and fitness enthusiasts.
The page below highlights the deliverables of the final project and an overview of the concept as a business venture, while the case study can be found here.
A time traveling disclaimer: This project was birthed in 2015 and I’ve been updating the UI every couple of years.
This was my graduate thesis project. All design, copy writing, photography, illustrations, and video production were done myself.
I had an amazing support system in the form of the faculty at the School of Visual Arts, Designer as Author + Entreprenuer program.
Advisor: Marc Rabinowitz
Co-chairs: Steven Heller + Lita Talarico
The fabulous faulty at SVA MFAD
part one:
An overview of the app & features, updated August 2020
part two:
Highlights from the MXD pitch book, April 2016
part three:
Video of the MXD pitch, April 2016
MXD is a social fitness system; it aims to harness fitness enthusiasts’ energy by connecting content creators and consumers with one another.
The system provides a space for those looking to exercise and those looking to share their content, allowing one to support the other.
Through a native app and a web-based experience — MXD gives each user type an experience for them to reach their goals.
last updated August 2020
part two
design meets business
A core element to the project was a realistic business model and legitimate plan for launching the venture into the world. Below are some excerpts from the MXD pitch book from April 2016. The full book can be downloaded here.
part three
Mic'd up and ready to pitch
As a part of the culmination of the program, I presented a 7 minute pitch, followed by 10 minute live Q&A. The pitch is shown below — unfortunately the Q&A was not recorded. Please excuse the old designs.
Selected Works
Wade & Wendy: Product Strategy & Visionproduct strategy, ux, animation
Wade & Wendy: Workspaceproduct strategy, ux, product design
Wade & Wendy: Internal Toolingproduct strategy, ux, product design
bricklyProduct & Visual Design
MXD (concept)product design, business design, strategy
Motionvideo editing, animation
Letteringhand lettering, illustration